Imran khan

Privacy Policy


Earnings Disclaimer

We do not make any guarantee of earning through any of our courses/blogs. Many of our students do very well, and many of our students fail. There is no “income guarantee” with any of our products.


Imrankcv privacy policy will be considered in case you purchase any service from the Imrankcv website.

But if you purchase service from any other website from Imrankcv through an affiliate then the privacy policy of that website will be considered as per the rules.

Death policy

I run a personal brand so an obvious question would be “what happens when I die”. Anyone can die anytime and me too.

Unfortunately, if I die, all our projects will be canceled immediately. You’ll have access to everything you need until the platforms go live However, everything related to me – will immediately cease and desist.

However, I will die when Allah will, but only I wanted to mention,

Contact Information:

If you face any problem with the content or the site. Or if you have any message to give us, feel free to write us at